What is Microsoft Power Pages? [Examples & Use Cases]

Oct 17, 2023 Aiswarya Madhu

Does Microsoft Have a Website Builder?

Well, yes. Microsoft does have a website builder.

Microsoft Power Pages is a secure low-code software as a service platform designed for creating, hosting, and managing modern external-facing business websites. .

It is designed to be user-friendly, enabling people without extensive coding skills to create secure, enterprise-grade websites.

Power Pages is ideal for creating web applications where users can interact with business data, such as help desks where users can submit tickets or partner portals for managing customer information. The platform is built on Dataverse, which provides powerful data storage and management capabilities.

A healthcare organization needs to create a patient portal that allows patients to schedule appointments, access their medical records, and communicate with their healthcare providers. Using Microsoft Power Pages, the organization can quickly develop a secure, user-friendly website that integrates with their existing systems, ensuring seamless data flow and providing a high-quality user experience without extensive development resources.

Top Components of Microsoft Power Platform

Before diving into the specifics of Power Pages, it’s essential to understand the broader ecosystem it belongs to: Microsoft Power Platform. This suite of tools empowers businesses to create custom solutions, automate workflows, visualize data, and build secure websites with minimal coding. Each component plays a critical role in driving digital transformation and enhancing operational efficiency. Here’s a brief overview of the key components:

Power Apps

Power Apps allows you to create custom business applications with minimal coding. Whether you need internal tools with canvas apps for full UI control or model-driven apps for data-driven functionality, Power Apps offers the flexibility to meet diverse business needs.

Power Automate

Power Automate helps streamline workflows and automate repetitive tasks across various services. Utilize cloud flows for event-triggered automation and desktop flows for automating web or desktop tasks, significantly enhancing business efficiency and reducing manual efforts.

Power BI

Power BI is a powerful tool for visualizing and sharing data insights. Create interactive dashboards and reports that can be embedded in apps and websites for comprehensive analytics. Power BI transforms raw data into actionable insights, enabling informed decision-making.

Power Pages

Power Pages is designed for developing secure, external-facing business websites quickly with low-code tools. It supports custom templates and seamless integration with Dataverse, making it ideal for creating sophisticated web solutions that require robust data handling and security.


Dataverse securely stores and manages business data in the cloud. It supports custom business logic and integration with external systems through APIs and webhooks, providing a scalable and reliable foundation for all Power Platform applications.

How Microsoft Power Pages Simplifies Web Development

Microsoft Power Pages empowers businesses of all sizes to design, build, and manage feature-rich websites without extensive coding knowledge. Its intuitive, low-code approach leverages a user-friendly visual interface, enabling both technical and non-technical users to bring their website visions to life. Here's how Microsoft Power Pages simplifies web development.

Low-Code Development:

Drag-and-Drop Interface: MS Power Pages provides an intuitive drag-and-drop interface that allows non-developers to design and customize web pages easily. This low-code approach speeds up the development process.

Pre-Built Templates: The platform offers a variety of pre-built templates tailored for different business needs, including healthcare. These templates provide a solid starting point, reducing the time and effort required to build a website from scratch.

Secure Integration:

Data Integration: Power Pages seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft products such as Dataverse, Dynamics 365, and Azure, enabling the portal to pull and push data securely between the patient portal and the healthcare organization's internal systems.

Authentication and Authorization: The platform supports robust security features, including role-based access control and multi-factor authentication, ensuring that patient data remains secure and accessible only to authorized users.

User Experience:

Responsive Design: Websites built with Power Pages are inherently responsive, providing a consistent and optimized user experience across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Customizable Forms and Workflows: The platform allows the creation of custom forms and workflows for scheduling appointments, accessing medical records, and messaging healthcare providers, enhancing the user experience by streamlining interactions.

Scalability and Maintenance:

Cloud Hosting: Being a SaaS platform, Power Pages is hosted in the cloud, ensuring high availability, scalability, and performance. The healthcare organization doesn't need to worry about managing servers or infrastructure.

Automatic Updates: Microsoft manages platform updates and security patches, ensuring the portal remains up-to-date with the latest features and security enhancements without additional overhead for the healthcare IT team.

Cost-Effective Development:

Reduced Development Time: The low-code nature of Power Pages significantly reduces development time and costs compared to traditional web development methods.

Resource Efficiency: With minimal coding required, the healthcare organization can leverage existing staff, such as business analysts or IT support, to develop and maintain the portal, avoiding the need for specialized web development skills.

Top 10 Microsoft Power Pages Examples

Power Pages can create both simple and complex web applications, proving its versatility. To highlight its wide-ranging applications, we've segregated the examples based on internal, external, and public uses.

Internal Uses

  • Employee Feedback Portal: Enable employees to share feedback, both anonymous and tracked, for improved satisfaction and retention.
  • Resource Hub: Centralize knowledge and resources with categories, tags, and multimedia elements for easy navigation.
  • Company Intranet: Keep employees informed with a centralized platform for news, announcements, and policies, enhancing efficiency and engagement.

External Uses for Partners and Customers

  • Partner Portal: Facilitate seamless collaboration with deal registration, training materials, and performance analytics.
  • Community Portal: Help you connect and engage members with exclusive content, discussions, and event updates.
  • Customer Self-Service Portal: Allow customers to troubleshoot issues, access FAQs, and submit support tickets independently.

Public-Facing Uses

  • Event Booking Portal: Manage event registrations, ticket sales, and details efficiently.
  • Recruitment Platform: Streamline job applications, manage resumes, and enhance the applicant experience.
  • Public-Facing Website: Showcase your brand, products, and services with customizable, visually appealing pages.
  • Forum Platform: Create a space for community interaction and knowledge-sharing, with open or restricted access.

Microsoft Power Pages Use Cases

Microsoft Power Pages can be utilized in various scenarios to enhance business operations, streamline communication, and improve user interactions. Here are some of the key areas where Power Pages can be effectively used:

Quick Development Needs:

If you need to create a web application quickly, Power Pages can get you up and running in weeks rather than months or years.

For example,

Imagine you need to launch a customer support portal within a few weeks. Using Power Pages, you can set up the portal with ticket submission forms, FAQ sections, and user account management without extensive coding.

Strong Dataverse Integration:

If your organization already uses Dataverse, Power Pages is an excellent choice for building web applications that interact with Dataverse data.

For example,

Imagine your organization stores customer data, sales records, and service histories in Dataverse. With Power Pages, you can quickly create a customer portal where customers can:

  • View their purchase history
  • Check the status of their service requests
  • Receive personalized recommendations based on their data

The direct integration with Dataverse ensures that the data displayed in the portal is always up-to-date and secure, providing a seamless and reliable user experience.

Strong Low Maintenance:

If you prefer not to worry about ongoing site upkeep, Power Pages is a good option. Microsoft handles updates to the core site code automatically, reducing the maintenance burden.

For example,

A non-profit organization creates an event registration site using Power Pages. Once the site is live, they don’t need to worry about regular updates or security patches, as Microsoft takes care of these automatically.

Once the site is live, the non-profit benefits from the following automated maintenance tasks handled by Microsoft:

  • Security Patches: Microsoft regularly updates the platform to fix any security vulnerabilities, ensuring that the site remains secure from potential threats.
  • Platform Updates: Any updates to the Power Pages platform, including new features and improvements, are automatically applied without the need for manual intervention.
  • Performance Optimization: Microsoft continuously monitors the performance of the platform and optimizes it to ensure that the site runs smoothly and efficiently.
  • Compliance Updates: Any necessary updates to maintain compliance with regulatory requirements are automatically managed by Microsoft.
Strong Flexible Requirements:

Projects that can be flexible in how requirements are met can benefit from Power Pages’ no-code/low-code features, even if the final product is different from the initial vision.

For example,

A company needs to create an internal portal for employees to submit project updates, collaborate on tasks, and share documents. They initially envision a portal with specific custom features, such as a highly interactive dashboard and custom workflow automation.

However, by using Power Pages, the company realizes they can achieve most of their goals using the platform’s built-in features with minimal custom development:

  • Built-In Forms: Employees can submit project updates using Power Pages’ built-in forms, which are easy to set up and require no coding.
  • Document Sharing: The portal can leverage Power Pages’ integration with SharePoint to facilitate document sharing, eliminating the need for a custom document management system.
  • Basic Workflow Automation: Power Automate, another tool within the Power Platform, can be used to create simple workflow automations for task assignments and notifications.

While the final product might not include all the initially envisioned custom features, the company benefits from a fully functional portal developed quickly and efficiently.

Steps to Create a Site with Power Pages

Sign Up for a Free Trial

Go to the Power Pages website.

Click on the "Try it for free" button to start your 30-day free trial.

Select a Microsoft Dataverse Environment

Choose the Microsoft Dataverse environment where you want to create your site.

Note: It’s recommended to avoid using the default environment as it is shared across users and may lead to unintentional data sharing.

Begin Site Creation

On the homepage, click on "+ Create a site."

Choose a Template

Review the available templates.

Hover over each template for a detailed preview.

Tip: If none of the specific templates fit your needs, choose a Starter layout or a Blank page to create a custom site from scratch.

After selecting the ideal template, click "Choose this template."

Provision Your Site

Confirm the default site name and web address.

Click "Done" to provision your new site.

Note: Provisioning might take a few moments. You can modify the site name and web address later if needed.

Edit and Preview Your Site

Once your site is provisioned, you can start editing or previewing it to suit your needs.

Roles and Permissions

To create a site on Microsoft Power Platform, ensure you have the following roles and permissions:

  • A user account with Read-Write Access Mode.
  • System Administrator role.
  • Permissions to register an app in Microsoft Entra.

If site creation is restricted in your tenant, you will need one of these roles:

  • Global Administrator
  • Dynamics 365 Administrator
  • Power Platform Administrator

What Can’t Power Pages Do?

While Power Pages is very versatile and extensible, there are some limitations:

Authentication Rigidity: Power Pages is designed to work with modern identity providers that support protocols like OpenID Connect and SAML 2.0. Customizing authentication beyond these supported methods can be complex and resource-intensive.

Imagine you have a small business that currently uses a custom-built login system for your employees. This old system doesn’t support newer security protocols like OpenID Connect or SAML 2.0. If you wanted to integrate this old login system with Power Pages, it would be very complicated and expensive because you would need to write a lot of custom code to make it work.

Custom Development: Although Power Pages supports custom JavaScript and other advanced customizations, extensive custom development can undermine its low-code/no-code value proposition. It's better suited for solutions that can leverage its built-in features.

Suppose you want your website to have a special feature where users can draw on a virtual whiteboard. While Power Pages can handle simple customizations, creating this drawing feature would need a lot of custom coding.

Power Pages Vs SharePoint

Both Power Pages and SharePoint are powerful tools within the Microsoft ecosystem, designed to enhance communication, collaboration, and productivity within organizations. However, they serve different purposes and offer unique features that cater to varying needs. Here’s a breakdown of their key differences:

Target Users

Power Pages: Designed for both internal and external users. It allows organizations to create websites accessible to customers, partners, and employees, providing a unified platform for various interactions.

SharePoint: Primarily focused on internal users. It excels as an intranet platform for internal communication, document management, and team collaboration within an organization.


Power Pages: Highly customizable, allowing businesses to create tailored web pages with specific branding, layouts, and integrations. It’s ideal for building dynamic, data-driven websites that meet unique business requirements.

SharePoint: Offers customization options but can be more rigid compared to Power Pages. Customizing SharePoint often requires more technical expertise, especially for advanced customizations and integrations.


Power Pages: Integrates smoothly with Microsoft 365 tools such as Teams and Dataverse, making it easy to create comprehensive solutions that leverage data and functionalities from various sources. It is particularly effective for scenarios requiring dynamic data handling and external access.

SharePoint: Tightly integrated with Microsoft 365 applications like OneDrive, Teams, and Outlook, providing a seamless part of the digital workplace. It’s excellent for creating a unified intranet experience with strong document management capabilities.

Access Control

Power Pages: Provides robust access control features that are easy to set up, allowing businesses to manage access to specific pages and resources efficiently. This is particularly useful for creating secure external-facing sites.

SharePoint: Also offers extensive access control capabilities but may require more technical expertise to configure. It’s well-suited for managing internal permissions and document access within an organization.

User Experience

Power Pages: Designed with a responsive and mobile-friendly interface, ensuring that web pages are accessible and functional on any device. This makes it ideal for creating user-friendly portals that external users can access from anywhere.

SharePoint: While it is accessible from any device, achieving a seamless and fully responsive user experience might require additional configuration. SharePoint is excellent for providing a consistent internal user experience across desktop and mobile devices.

Additional Insight: Power Pages and SharePoint Integration

Did you know that Power Pages and SharePoint can be seamlessly integrated, providing a robust solution that leverages the best of both platforms? This integration opens up new possibilities for creating comprehensive, user-friendly web applications that benefit from SharePoint's powerful document management capabilities. Here are some specific use cases where this integration shines:

Customer and Partner Portals: Enhance your customer and partner portals by integrating Power Pages with SharePoint. This allows users to upload, access, and manage documents directly within the portal, utilizing SharePoint's secure storage and version control features.

Employee Onboarding and Training: Create a seamless onboarding experience by combining Power Pages’ customizable, user-friendly interface with SharePoint's document management. New hires can access training materials, policy documents, and onboarding forms all in one place.

Project Management Sites: Use Power Pages to develop a project management site where team members can collaborate on tasks and access project documents stored in SharePoint. This ensures everyone has up-to-date information and can work together effectively.

Event Management: Integrate SharePoint to manage documents related to events, such as schedules, presentations, and attendee lists, while using Power Pages for event registration and information dissemination.

Power Pages Pricing Overview

Microsoft Power Pages offers flexible pricing options to cater to different user needs, ensuring cost-effective solutions for both authenticated and anonymous users. Below is an overview of the pricing and features for each type of user access.

Authenticated Users per Website

Price: $200 for 100 users/site/month


  • Access to low-code business websites with authenticated access
  • Access to authentication providers
  • Built-in content delivery network support
  • Dataverse storage: 2 GB database capacity and 16 GB file capacity per capacity pack

Anonymous Users per Website

Price: $75 for 500 users/site/month


  • Allow users to browse low-code business websites anonymously
  • Built-in content delivery network support
  • Dataverse storage: 0.5 GB database capacity and 4 GB file capacity per capacity pack

Discover the power of Dynamics 365 Self-Service Web Portals in our comprehensive guide. Read the blog to know more!

Types of Power Pages Services and How Nalashaa Digital Helps

Implementing Microsoft Power Pages effectively requires a blend of technical expertise and strategic insight. At Nalashaa Digital, we specialize in providing comprehensive consulting services for Microsoft Power Pages to elevate the implementation to meet specific business needs and drive maximum value.

Here are various types of Power Pages services and reasons why consulting is essential for leveraging these capabilities:

Website Creation and Customization

A global logistics company aims to develop a client portal for tracking shipments, managing orders, and accessing real-time data. While Power Pages allows them to create a basic portal, consulting services bring expertise in designing a highly customized, professional interface that enhances user experience and meets specific business requirements. Consultants can implement advanced features such as interactive dashboards and real-time notifications, ensuring the portal provides maximum value to clients.

Data-Driven Web Applications

A healthcare provider wants to offer patients access to their medical records, appointment schedules, and telehealth services, all stored in Microsoft Dataverse. Although Power Pages facilitates basic application creation, consultants can help build a comprehensive, data-driven web application. They ensure seamless integration with Dataverse, optimize data handling, and implement complex functionalities such as patient-specific dashboards and secure data sharing, which may be beyond the capabilities of a non-expert.

Integration with Microsoft 365 and Other Tools

A manufacturing firm needs to integrate their supplier portal with Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive to streamline communication and document management. Power Pages supports basic integration, but consulting services ensure a seamless, robust connection with these tools. Consultants can configure automated workflows and data synchronization across platforms, enhancing collaboration and operational efficiency, which is crucial for managing supply chain logistics.

Enhanced Security and Governance

A financial services firm requires stringent security measures to protect sensitive client data on their online portal. While Power Pages offers basic security features, consultants bring in-depth knowledge of advanced security configurations. They can set up detailed web roles, page permissions, and multi-factor authentication to ensure data security and regulatory compliance, safeguarding sensitive financial information and maintaining client trust.

Advanced Development and Custom Features

An IT services company needs to offer personalized client dashboards with custom JavaScript, Liquid templates, and web APIs. Power Pages allows for low-code development, but consultants provide the technical expertise to implement these advanced features seamlessly. They ensure that the platform supports complex business logic and workflows, delivering a tailored solution that enhances client satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Responsive and Mobile-Friendly Design

A retail distributor requires a client portal that functions flawlessly across desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Power Pages can create a basic responsive site, but design experts from consulting services ensure a fully optimized, mobile-friendly experience. They provide advanced configuration and design skills, creating a consistent and engaging user interface that boosts client interaction and satisfaction.

Workflow Automation

An HR consultancy aims to automate client onboarding and document management processes. While Power Pages and Power Automate offer basic automation capabilities, consultants can design and implement sophisticated workflows that streamline operations. They integrate these workflows with existing systems, reducing manual effort, enhancing efficiency, and providing a smooth, automated onboarding experience for clients.

Training and Support

A software development firm adopts Power Pages but lacks the internal knowledge to fully utilize the platform. Consulting services provide ongoing training and support, empowering the internal team to efficiently maintain and update the websites. This continuous support ensures that the firm maximizes the platform’s potential, keeping up with evolving business needs and enhancing service delivery to clients.


Rome wasn't built in a day, and no website or portal can be either. With Power Pages, you can lay a solid foundation. As you progress and your needs evolve, whether it's scaling up or adding new features, we're here to help every step of the way. Get in touch with us to know more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Both Power Apps and Power Pages are powerful low-code platforms from Microsoft, each serving distinct purposes. Power Apps is designed primarily for creating business applications that cater to internal users, such as employees and IT specialists. In contrast, Power Pages focuses on developing websites or portals tailored for external users, including customers and partners. These platforms enable businesses to address different needs effectively—Power Apps streamlines internal processes and boosts productivity, while Power Pages enhances external engagement and brand presence.
Power Pages in Microsoft is not included as part of the standard Office 365 subscription. Power Pages is a separate offering within the Microsoft Power Platform suite, which includes other tools like Power Apps, Power Automate, and Power BI. While it integrates seamlessly with Office 365 applications such as SharePoint and Teams, it requires its own licensing plan to access and utilize its full range of capabilities.
Yes, it is possible to use Power Pages with Dynamics 365. Power Pages can integrate seamlessly with Dynamics 365, allowing you to build external-facing websites and portals that interact with your Dynamics 365 data. This integration enables you to create customized user experiences for customers, partners, and other external users, while leveraging the robust data management and business logic capabilities of Dynamics 365.

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