Dynamics CRM integrated with SharePoint to deliver a simplified sales and marketing platform for a manufacturing giant


As the manufacturing industry gallops towards customer-centricity, every touch-point from marketing to after-sales service becomes paramount for businesses. Given the complexity of operations, coordination, identification of anomalies/exceptions and pace of response to those is what drives customer focus.

The client, a leading computer peripheral manufacturer in the US, was plagued by inefficiencies of outmoded systems. These festered into cross-departmental miscommunication, non-value adding activities and often delayed/missed responses to opportunities of business value.

Client Requirement

The current system was failing miserably for the lack of process harmony, usability, insightful dashboards and inter-departmental collaboration. It was imperative to minimize the time sales team spent on the system, facilitate better pipeline-tracking (campaigns, sales, service requests etc.) and orchestrate seamless handoffs between teams. These primary objectives were envisioned to yield a superlative customer experience and improved topline.

Client signing a business contract
Businessmen discussing Dynamics 365 solutions


Dynamics 365 was the logical solution to the overall operational and sales & marketing alignment glitches. It ensured seamless handoffs across marketing, sales, service and customer support eliminating the delays and information gaps. Special attention to usability and system assistance boosted adoption.

The typical pain-points of the salesforce (no pun intended) were eliminated by the comprehensive Dynamics 365. The sales team now tracks the buyer journey on a dashboard, getting assistance from the system on new potential opportunities. With inbuilt integration with Office 365, all conversations over emails are also part of one connected sales journal for each prospect and customer.

Another welcome change was simplified document management through integration with MS Sharepoint and OneDrive. All the documentation such as contracts, invoices, Purchase Orders etc. are now maintained and accessed with ease and are attached to the respective accounts. Web and mobile access ensured ubiquitous access and timely collaboration, driven through event-driven notifications.

Nalashaa implemented special business specific customizations for efficient workflows relating to delivery of scheduled orders, customer queries and planning & modification of orders. Likewise, various components of the after-sales service such as spare-parts inventory management and customer feedback were tweaked streamlined to fit the business process and work volume.

Streamlined sales management

Simplified collaboration

Better responsiveness through mobility

Technology Stack

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