Top 5 features in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015

Top 5 features in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 | Blog

Nov 18, 2014 admin


The Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 release has many new and improved features, which presents great improvements in how we can utilize the platform better. The updates will enable marketers to plan and execute marketing campaigns better, track impact, and strengthen collaborations with the sales process.

Customers today have higher expectations from businesses and to meet these needs, it’s mandatory to collaborate and bring in solutions which will help to reduce the gap between divisions which work towards customer satisfaction.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 is set to release in Q4 2014 (December). And as we studied the new release, we realized there are a few features which will bring about a change, in the good sense, for all users.

Product Families

  • Suggestions: Cross – selling or up- selling requires related product linkages, or formation of product families. Opportunity and customer records can help sales professionals bring in better conversion/customer when products are correctly categorized
  • Bundling: Products can be bundled and offered as packages, for discounts and offers
  • Regional pricelist: Products can be bundled and offered as packages, based on regional requirements and assessments
  • Product properties: Increased number of parameters for a product. Though these can be achieved through customizations in Dynamics CRM 2013, product properties will give more flexibility in various in-house processes
  • Import/Export products: Configuration migration tool, introduced in Dynamics CRM 2013 has been improved to support product migrations in Dynamics CRM 2015

Guided Sales Process

  • Further improves the business processes introduced in Dynamics CRM 2013 to enable organization implement complex business processes
  • Conditional branching has brought about more specificity to business processes
  • As compared to the wizard in Dynamics CRM 2013, Dynamics CRM 2015 offers custom programming options bringing in the possibility of implementing complex business logics

Mobile Enhancements

  • Offline draft capabilities on mobile devices which are synced when the user is back online
  • All dashboards are available on tablets

Case Management

  • Different Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to bring in flexible support and service requirements
  • Pause and Resume SLAs to track time efficiently through system settings
  • Track and analyze each key metrics and individual SLA


  • With the new release, search within Dynamics CRM 2015 will be simpler and will allow for the usage of asterisks as wildcard characters
  • Search is customizable and configurable. The search can be across multiple record types.
  • Search can be configured on specific fields of preferred entities, improving search performance

One of the smaller (for now), enhancement which has been brought in, is Cortana on Windows Phone 8.1 devices, using which, users will be able to talk to the customer relationship management suite. Setting up meetings/reminders, searching contacts, accounts or activities, creating new records, etc. will be a breeze using Cortana.

All the features which have been added to Dynamics CRM 2015 suite is in line with the push by Microsoft to ensure the system is simple to use, and works to streamline the life of its users. Microsoft is also continuing to expand its global availability. 17 countries were being serviced till last August, and with this release, Microsoft announced it has added another 17 countries to Dynamics CRM Online’s roster, making it available in over 65 markets.

Nalashaa has been pioneering in various Microsoft Dynamics CRM implementation and we offer a fixed price CRM upgrade for customers who would like to upgrade their system to Dynamics CRM 2015. Know more about our Microsoft Dynamics CRM works.

Contact us for further queries on Dynamics CRM implementation or Support.


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