Suggest similar cases for a case – Text Analytics by Microsoft Cognitive Services

Suggest similar cases for a case - Text Analytics by Microsoft Cognitive Services

Apr 18, 2017 Rekha Jyothimani

Are you the person involved in query resolution?

If yes, then this feature is surely going to interest you… It is human nature to search for an existing solution to a problem rather than resolving the case by starting afresh. Microsoft Cognitive Services helps us to find similar cases if any exist in the case system, so that we can use them to resolve the current case. Activating this feature requires some settings to be enabled and some rules to be defined.

Some points to note before jumping right in!

To set up Dynamics 365 to automatically suggest similar cases, do the following:

  • Enable Text Analytics
  • Connect Dynamics 365 (online) to the Cognitive Services Text Analytics service
  • Define and activate similarity rules
  • To See related cases

We will be taking each step in detail below

Enable Text Analytics

To enable Text Analytics, do the following:

  1. Go to Settings > Administration.
  2. Click System Settings and open the Previews tab.
  3. Under Text Analytics Preview for Case Topic analysis, suggest Similar Cases and Suggest Knowledge Articles, set the Enable Dynamics 365 Text Analytics Preview to Yes.
  4. Click OK to give your consent.
  5. Click OK to close the System Settings dialog.
Connect Dynamics 365 (online) to the Cognitive Services Text Analytics service

Microsoft Dynamics 365 features that use the Cognitive Services Text Analytics service for keyword matching, like Document Suggestions, similar cases, topic analysis, and knowledge article suggestions, require a Cognitive Services Text Analytics service connection. This connects Microsoft Dynamics 365 to the Cognitive Services Text Analytics service.

  1. Go to Settings > Administration > Azure Text Analytics Service Configuration.
  2. Review the information and click Continue.
  3. Next, fill in the connection information.
  4. Click Test Connection to validate your settings.
  5. Once the connection is successful, click Activate.

Following are required before we proceed:

Azure Service URL (required) The End Point URL from the Azure Account after subscribing
Azure Account Key (required) Key generated by azure account after subscription for the text analytics


On clicking the continue button, we are re-directed to the following page:

To get the highlighted “Azure Service URL” and the “Azure Account Key” following steps has to be followed.

  1. We need to login to Azure portal account by using Microsoft live id or the Dynamics 365 account ID
  2. Azure subscription has to be created for the “Cognitive Analytics Service”
    1. Create a free trial azure subscription account by validating through the phone number and Credit card details.
    2. Select the Text Analytics API service
    3. An account gets created and will be given with a set of details like key, endpoint URL etc.

Copy the Endpoint URL and the key to our “Text Analytics Connection” in dynamics CRM and put it to the “Azure service URL “and “Azure Account Key”.

Note: We need to wait 10 minutes to get the key activated andthen test the connection and activate.

Define and activate similarity rules

We need to create rules to suggest similar records. We can only create one similar records suggestions rule for each entity type.

  1. Go toSettings > Data Management > Similar Records Suggestions Settings.
  2. ClickNew.
  3. Fill in the fields on the New Advanced Similarity Rule dialog.

Create the matching field and activate the Record to enable the rule.

Enable a field for exact matching of similar records

To enable a field for exact match, add the field in the Quick find view of the corresponding entity.

  1. Go to Settings > Customizations > Customize the System.
  2. Expand Entities, expand the entity that you want to enable exact matching, such as the Case entity, and then click Views.
  3. Click Quick Find Active Accounts, click More Actions, and then click Edit.
  4. Under Common Tasks, click Add Find Columns, and then select the field that you want to enable exact matching, here I have added the case title.
  5. Click OK, and then click Save and Close on the Quick Find Active Accounts page.
  6. Publish the Customization
To See related cases

After setting the Azure services rules, we are now ready to see cases related to the ones we are working on currently.

  1. Click Service > Cases and Create a new Case
  2. For similar cases, click Find.

Here, we have mapped the case title, so I am able to find similar cases where the text titles match to the current case.

In this case, there are 4 matches, I could click the one which is most relevant to me and take the solution from it for my current case to get resolved and click the “Found a solution” button to close the window.

This Really Makes The Case Resolver Life Easy!!

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